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Did Christ Have Special Privileges?

Did Christ Have Special Privileges?

Often in conversation with someone, I’ll point out a scripture where Christ did something – calling someone a fool, for example (Matthew 23:19), or refusing to heal someone (Mark 7:27-28), or name-calling (John 8), or any of a dozen…

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The Most Important Thing Is (Not) Family

The Most Important Thing Is (Not) Family

“The most important thing is family.”  “Family always comes first.” “My family is my whole world.” The entire world, Christian and otherwise, believes these statements to be self-evidently true, and…

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Why are we still talking about this?

The most divisive subject in the world is religion. On the one hand, this makes sense – none of us can really see God, so the idea that He exists at all takes a bit of effort to believe. Yet on the other, it doesn’t make sense –…

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Saving Knowledge Kills

Saving Knowledge Kills

Do you have saving knowledge? Do you know everything you need to know to be saved? Nearly every Christian in the world just shouted a resounding “absolutely!” And all of them are dead in their sins. Because saving knowledge does not exist….

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Keep The Sabbathy Sabbath

Keep The Sabbathy Sabbath

If I tell someone to start keeping the Sabbath, their first thought is “but how can I do that, if there are no Sabbath-keeping churches nearby??” It has become thoroughly ingrained in the mind of every Christian that keeping the Sabbath/Sunday…

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The False Cross

The False Cross

When Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden, they faced an enormous challenge. They were facing a life where they made their own destiny – for better or worse. They didn’t know what they were doing, any more than any of us – less…

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The True Cross

For much of the last 2,000 years, archaeologists, saints, and crusaders have sought relics of the true cross. And throughout that time, many fragments of the true cross have been found – or were believed to have been found. Someone once…

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The Lord Laid It On My Heart

(By Crystal Holmes) How does God lead His people? Is it laying something on their hearts? Is it by speaking to them directly? Is it by some other method? You might think you are pleasing to God because He frequently “lays things on your heart”…

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Is God A Trinity?

Is God A Trinity?

The word “trinity” does not appear in the Bible. And yet denying the trinity is the #1 definition of a cult. Does that make sense? The way the term is used in casual literature and sermons we are given the impression that the trinity is spoken…

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