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Is Dios God?

Is Dios God?

Millions of Spanish-speakers pray to Dios every day. Are these Christians just as Christian as those who pray to God? They read the same Bible, they keep the same observances; can you really say they are different, simply because the Spanish word…

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Why are we still talking about this?

The most divisive subject in the world is religion. On the one hand, this makes sense – none of us can really see God, so the idea that He exists at all takes a bit of effort to believe. Yet on the other, it doesn’t make sense –…

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Is “Mister” Christian?

Is Calling Someone “Mister”, Christian? Why does the whole world insist on this custom? Is this the way of showing true respect to an elder? Should YOU use the term “Mr.”? What does your BIBLE…

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Is English A Pure Language?

Is English A Pure Language?

Many people in the world – at least, in the English speaking world – believe that English is a pure language. That we’ll be speaking English after the return of Christ, when Zechariah says “Yea, at that time I will change the…

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The Evolution of Language (with audio)

The Evolution of Language

According to what we’ve been taught in school, man started his communication by pointing at things and grunting, then developed different grunts for different things, and then spontaneously developed a single language about 50,000 years ago,…

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First of all, let’s solve one simple argument. It’s pretty much a given that God is pretty smart. And therefore, God probably knows most of the languages on Earth. Ok, so He probably knows all of them. So we can assume that God speaks…

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