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Does Motive Matter?

(By Crystal Holmes) Does motive matter? Does God care WHY you are righteous? Does He care if you are righteous because you want His blessings, or because you like being a part of a group, or because you are in the habit of being righteous, or…

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The Symbolism of Moses and Miriam

Let’s explain something that has always bugged me. The mother of Jesus was named Mary. The elder sister of Moses was named Miriam. They sound alike because they are the same name – Miriam is the Hebrew form of Mary. Now two people with the…

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Why Was Sinai Holy?

There is something I’ve always wondered; as you probably know, there are two places in the Bible that are called holy, from the very beginning, namely, Jerusalem and Sinai. So why are they Holy? Of course, we have plenty of reasons for…

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What Is The Symbolism Of Footwashing?

Anyone who has ever kept the passover has asked “what does footwashing represent?”. We drink the wine and eat the bread, and those symbols are well defined. But footwashing? It isn’t mentioned in Matthew, Mark or Luke, and John…

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It’s Better To Be The Younger Brother

It’s Better To Be The Younger Brother

Having grown up as the youngest child, I have some experience with the life of a young sibling. Everyone says the baby has it easier than the older children do, but not too long ago I realized that the Bible has quite a bit to say on this subject….

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Why is the blood reserved for God?

Why is the blood reserved for God?

Narrow-minded literalists would just say “well, He must know something we don’t – blood MUST be bad for you somehow!” … but that’s just cheating. Yes, God said not to do it and so we shouldn’t – but…

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Is The Old Testament Still Binding? (with audio)

Is the Old Testament binding? Can we TRUST the words of the Old Testament, without reservation? And how can you be SURE? Most of the world has “done away” with the Old Testament completely. They don’t even have the Old Testament in…

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Why Is The Fat Reserved For God?

Why Is The Fat Reserved For God?

We all know that God says that “the fat is mine” dozens of places in the Old Testament. Did you ever wonder why? And for that matter, why would God ask us to do something that is impossible? Why do I say impossible, you ask? Well, every piece of…

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