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Do You Trust Yourself? (with audio)

It’s a fair question. You ask others to trust you on a daily basis – in fact, you get quite offended when they don’t. But in your heart of hearts, do you really trust yourself? We are put here on this earth to build character….

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Lazarus And The Rich Man

Lazarus and the rich man. A chilling story of a wicked man tortured in the fire and brimstone of hell for all eternity. A warning of what awaits all those who would reject the message of Jesus and remain in their sins. For thousands of years this…

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The History of Christmas

The History of Christmas

(By Crystal Holmes) It was a hard day at work, but Julius always rejoiced when coming home to his wife. And even more so now due to the sweet smells of cakes and cookies and the beautifully lit tree. This evening, though in the midst of the coldest…

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HOW Does God Heal The Sick (with audio)

HOW Does God Heal The Sick

HOW did God heal people? I mean the actual physics, the mechanics of WHAT HAPPENED in an arm that He healed, or a leper that He cleansed – HOW did He do it? What chemical reactions went on in that person to make them better? And although these…

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Speak The TRUTH In Your Heart! (with audio)

Did you know that God commands everyone to speak what’s in their heart? Psalms 15 is something of a self-test chapter; it tells us just what qualifications a person whom God saves will have to have, in order to be a part of His Kingdom. And…

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A World Without Stealing

A World Without Stealing

Have you ever stopped to imagine what the world would be like if, tomorrow, there was no theft, of any kind? You probably assume it would be a better world, don’t you? Well, you’d be wrong. It would be absolute and utter chaos! Think of…

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