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How Dare You Not Know God's Will!

"OH!!! If we ONLY KNEW God's will! But we simply can't!" If only I had a nickel for every time I'd heard that phrase! Heard it from the world, heard... Read more

The Real Origin of Easter

Acts 12:3-4. And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also. (Then were the days of unleavened bread.) And when he... Read more

How Old Is False Grace?

 All the Churches in the world today believe that Grace allows you to break the law of God without being punished for it. They teach that Jesus kept... Read more

The Simple Truth About Grace

What is Grace? Is it, as you've probably always believed, favor? Favor which allows you to sin with impunity? Does GRACE do away with the law of... Read more

How Dare You Judge Me (with audio)

How dare you judge me! How DARE you judge me! The strident cry echoes throughout the halls of the modern day church. Everywhere the name of... Read more

What Was Judas THINKING?

Did you ever wonder? Judas Iscariot, the man who betrayed Christ, was a PERSON. He had MOTIVES, and REASONS for what he did, just like you and I do... Read more

WHO ARE THE 144,000?

Revelation 14:1-5 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name... Read more

What Was Satan's Sin?

The world today says that Satan's sin was that he focused on himself, using the pronoun "I" too much. But there is little to support this idea... Read more

Why Would You Even WANT To Worship A Cross? (with audio)

This is not an article about why The Christian Cross Is Pagan. That has been amply proved in the article of that title by Crystal. Nor is this... Read more

The Cats in the Bible

Cats as a group, unlike dogs, do not appear in the Bible. Only two specific cats are mentioned – the lion and the leopard. Leopards were... Read more

The Evolution of Language (with audio)

According to what we've been taught in school, man started his communication by pointing at things and grunting, then developed different grunts... Read more

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We are different because we go to the Bible to find our beliefs, not to confirm those we already have. If the Bible doesn't say it, we don't believe it. If the Bible does say something, then no matter who else does or does not...

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